Monday, March 17, 2008

Common Courtesy Expected of Apartment Tenants

This is my second year that I have lived in an apartment. Living in an apartment one would say is completely different from living in a house. You would hear more noises than you would hear from a house. Imagine sleeping and you would be awake from sounds of people running down the stairs at 11 o'clock at night. Then 3 o'clock rolls around and more people would run up or down the stairs. This is very inconsiderate of other tenants. You would think common courtesy would run through their head while they run down or up the stairs. What I would do to let these people know that the fitness center is around the corner. If they need exercise then do it at a gym or in their own home without disturbing the sleep of other paying members of the apartment complex. They are paying the same amount of rent as I do, but why is it that I am not getting my sleep?

A True Friend

How would you define a true friend? A true friend accepts you for who you are. She takes in all the negatives along with the positives about you. She is there for you through thick and thin. She does not wait for you to ask for help, but would be there for you without question. She does not give up on you although you may already gave up. I believe that I have found such a friend. Everyday I am grateful to be given such a friend. Though many times I have disappointed her through my careless actions, she is always there for me. She would not give up on me. She is there for me through all the hardships I have gone through in my life. She was especially there for me this past weekend when I had an argument with my boyfriend that almost led to a break up. Though it sounds as though it is just a fight, to be it was more than that. He is the first boy that had made me cry. It takes a lot for me to get emotional, and somehow I found a guy that care for me very much, but at the same time be the one that hurts me most. With my best friend being there for me, I was able to be at ease. I feel very lucky to have her. Some people are not fortunate to have found such a friend, but I have and I feel very grateful. There is a saying that states, "Boys come and go, but best friends are always there for you." I believe this is very true, because through the years, I have guys come and go but my best friend is here with me til today. If you have such a friend, do not let the little things come between you two because best friends are hard to find. These are the relationships that takes time to develop and once you found it, do not let go.

How Conservative Can One Be?

Let's see. Imagine you see two girls, one is wearing a blouse showing a little skin, and the other one is covered up in a t-shirt. Would you have thoughts in your head that one girl is a nicer person than the other due to the way they dressed? I believe that one can not judge a person due to their choice of clothes. But there are exeptions to that too. Those exceptions would be perhaps driving down Hollywood and seeing girls in short short skirts and selling themselves short. Today the trend is to show a little skin. Women are feeling more confident of themselves and their bodies so they would dress to show that. This does not mean that they are bad people. A girl all covered up does not mean she is an angel and the one not is the devil. Clothes do not define who we are.