Friday, May 2, 2008

Research Process

Essay four was very hard for me to do. I did not know what to write about. Came up with some but I did not know if I want to choose to do my research on it. I didn't decide on writing about drunk driving until further in the research. At first I wanted to write about the illegalization of marijuana because I heard that in California people were buying it legally for their own enjoyment, but in the end I wanted to discuss about drunk driving. Reason for this is because I feel that most people do not know how deadly one wrong move can lead to, even myself I will find that I would forget about how driving drunk can be deadly. While doing my research, I feel that essay four is a very time consuming assignment. Essay 3 took me forever for the research, but the research for essay four is even longer. My topic is on drunk driving. There are so many information on this topic. I did not know what to narrow it down to. Some information that I got were not current so I had to do more search for current information. Even so, I feel that though these information are current, people or judges don't all abide to it because each case is different. Also some of the information that I got was from organization that I got online so I did not know if I was able to use it as my source, but I did so anyway because they were good information. I ended up printing a lot of information. I did not know where to begin in the reading. I just tried to read as much as I could and eliminate what I didn't want to use in the paper. When I had to cite the information, it was very hard for me to decide how to cite it. Some of the information are not given so just ended up citing the best I good. Also by doing the research it made me very sad to read some of the stories about the tragic deaths. It's sad to see that an extra sip of alcohol could lead to something so deadly and disturbing. For the final draft I ended up narrowing as much as I good. I only wanted to discuss about certain laws because there were so many for discussion. All in all this assignment was very tiresome for me because it took most of my sleep time due to the fact that I was working 12 hr shifts at the hospital which amount to 50 hr a wk. I wish I could do more on it, but it is the best I could do.
As for the next visual part of the presentation I am not looking forward to do it. Presentations are definately not what I expected to do in the class. I don't really like presentations.

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